48 hours later + a [resolved] need.

48 hours later + a [resolved] need.

we got results less than 48 hours after imaging and less than 48 hours after that and i’ve got all of my next step appointments booked within 2 weeks. feels a little like my privilege is showing because i know this isn’t how fast things move for everyone. the dates and times are at the three horizontal stripes under “schedule” and some descriptions as well. you will note there isn’t anything about “results” until next friday but if there is more info before then, this is where you’ll find it, so Jean’s (my Cancer Tour Guide) advice to “hurry up and wait” is active.

yesterday when i launched this i didn’t plan to link out to the general public quite yet but that will probably happen today. emotionally i am stable and by monday i’ll have more to be overwhelmed by and new emotions laden with PMS to feel and let’s be honest — i’m a rip the band-aid off kind of gal who likes to keep it real… so i’ll try and get most of the outreach overwhelm out of the way before then and type-tell everyone about it because words tend to communicate better out my fingers than my mouth.

i told Audrey last night and it went pretty well. she giggled and didn’t cry, so she takes after her mom! it went kind of like “there’s something i have to tell you and it has kind of cool parts and kind of not cool parts. which do you want first?” she asked for not cool first, noted that surgery will make a total of 3 of those in my life and is hoping that my appointments and/or surgery will give her a reason to get out of school (yep, definitely my daughter) and then we moved onto the cool parts which include: Maga (my mom) is coming and she’ll be here in time to attend Audrey’s school concert on tuesday, which got her jumping up and down. i didn’t tell her it’s cancer but she’s bound to hear it in passing eventually, so we’ll ease into that next week.

speaking of Maga, we’ve got a spare bedroom but it has no place to sleep in it, so i need a bed and the bed needs bedding. she’ll be here over a week and air mattresses are notoriously shitty despite being convenient so if anyone who is dying to help in some way has a bed situation they want to gift/loan/whatever for me — i am foregoing the need to solve all problems myself via amazon prime and asking for help on this. we’ve got space for a queen or smaller. she arrives on monday. Fitz comes sunday to chauffeur my valium-high ass to the MRI but she’s my OG bed-mate so we’ll be good before then.

two things:

  • if you’re reading this from a computer (dad, uncle louie) sorry about the blown up biopsy boob photo. it’s way more chill on a phone.

  • i reserve the right to choose my own adventure and cope with potentially offensive humor, boob puns, and cursing so if you’re offended, my advice is: lighten up. life’s short.

  • for Lucas and all of my co-workers and employer: please read this as though peer Hana is writing and not HR representative Hana.

one big love to you all.

update: bed situation resolved. thank you Robin for arranging, Carmen & Luis for donating and Shane & Luis for delivering!!!

it's setting in.

it's setting in.

