we need your help, please.

we need your help, please.

if someone asked you “think back to a time when you had to ask for help and it was really hard to do. tell me about it.”… what would you say?

well, i’m going to have to get back to you to tell you the full tale, but presently, in a hundred different ways, i am asking my hardest asks.  and probably in a hundred more, still holding the proverbial pill — which i imagine is labeled with a capital P and horse sized — in my hand wondering, can i swallow it?

imma need a big glass of water to wash this one down.

some time ago, i shared that one of my perspectives of cancer is “just another project to manage… that occasionally makes me cry”.  and today, i am here to say, this project needs investors. here, please find a link to a GoFundMe campaign which will allow you to make a donation to help support Audrey and i over the course of 2019, including the next several months of treatment, if you are so willing and able.

to everyone who has made a contribution, your gift has already gone so much farther than your dollar.  i am genuinely touched, humbled, scratching my bald-ish head in disbelief, and damn near speechless at your generosity.

you are helping my spirit. you are helping my child. you are helping me.

for this, i will never be able to fully express my gratitude.

T H A N K  Y O U . 

may your kindness be returned to you tenfold.

with all my love and appreciation,

Hana / Paq

  • big love to the fam who assisted with and are hosting this campaign.


chemo 4: luck o’ the irish

chemo 4: luck o’ the irish

chemo 3: jesters & jokers

chemo 3: jesters & jokers